
Discover the           program you need to kickstart your business success, create your online course and skyrocket your sales in just
10 weeks

Discover the
program you need to kickstart your business success, create your online course and skyrocket your sales in just 10 weeks.

Join the popular LIVE Kickstart program and go from overwhelmed and overthinking to creating and running your online course and making sales 

join kickstart now


Let me guess…

You were all excited to get into online business, share your gifts with other people and make an impact in the world.

You couldn’t wait to become an independent entrepreneur, have 5-figure months and create the financial freedom you’ve been dreaming of all your life.

You were so ready to live an amazing lifestyle, work just a few hours a week and travel the world or buy your dream home.

(After all, that’s what you see others doing on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube.)

But then? Reality hit you… And now your frustration is even bigger, because none of the above has actually happened for you. 

Does any of this sound familiar? 

Then I have an important question for you...

It’s getting more and more difficult to build a profitable online business.

Do you wish someone could just tell you exactly what to do to get results in your online business?

Are you struggling to get your online business off the ground? 
To make sales and generate consistent income?

You’re not alone.

Maybe you feel scared because right now is a risky time to start off on your own and go after your dreams without a security blanket.

Maybe you’re disappointed because you haven’t made sales, you didn’t get the clients you wanted and you’re beginning to doubt whether this online business thing is right for you after all…

Or maybe you’ve already had some wins but then got stuck, not feeling clear on WHAT you need to do next to make money in your business.

But if you’re tired of feeling stuck and overwhelmed…

If you’ve had enough of the exhausting trial and error that costs you time and money and feels like you’re going nowhere (fast)…. 

Then I’m so glad you’re here. Because here’s what I know for sure:

Getting sales and making your online business profitable doesn’t have to be so hard.

Getting sales and making your online business profitable doesn’t have to be so hard.

Do you wish someone could just tell you exactly what to do to get results in your online business?

I’ve been helping female entrepreneurs build successful and profitable businesses for 8+ years and if they’re struggling to make sales, the biggest problem is always the same.

It’s not that their offers aren’t good enough.
It’s not that their prices are too high.
And it’s not that they are simply “bad at sales”.

It’s that they’re all over the place! And they get stuck in their heads.

They lack a clear process. 
They’re not taking focused action.
So they end up doing 238 different things and wonder why they don’t see the epic results.

What if there was a clear step-by-step process that practically guarantees your online business success?

Which technology do I need? Emails, website, Social Media, it’s just so much….

I need to create an epic freebie… but maybe I should focus on my website and branding first?

How do I get people to sign up for my email list? And what emails should I write once they’re on it!?

Should I rework my offers again? Create more offers? Or maybe make it cheaper, so that someone buys?

How can I get clear on my messaging and make sales without being pushy? I don’t want to annoy people or get on their nerves…

The list goes on and on.

And if you’ve found yourself worrying about one or all of the above, then I created the Kickstart process exactly for you!

Maybe you’ve also caught yourself with one (or all) of these thoughts spinning through your mind….

When I created my signature program a few years ago, I gave it my all. I created the best content possible, I delivered so much value and then… People weren’t following through.

Instead, they got stuck in their heads.
And they were overthinking their every move.

While I KNEW that my program would help them, I knew that now I needed to create a process that gets them to take consistent action and follow through.

That’s when the Kickstart process was born!
It’s a process that I’ve tested with over 1000 other entrepreneurs just like you…. And it has an incredible 90% completion rate! That is almost unheard of in the online business space, but it’s true.

The Kickstart process practically guarantees your success. And when you choose to follow it and #trusttheprocess, you can achieve almost magical results.

Are you ready to find out exactly what steps to take, when to take them and in what order so that you can finally have the successful online business you want?

Are you ready to get out of your head and start making sales instead?


There is no better way to build and grow your business than by getting the momentum of the 10-week Kickstart…





Kickstart is not a course. It’s a 10-week implementation and accountability group coaching program. Where you get clear steps to focus on every week - that you’re not overthinking but taking focused action towards your goals!
And you walk away with a finished course, a list of potentially hundreds of people who are interested in it and you’ll make sales at the very end.

Even if you already have an online business or course, Kickstart is invaluable to get you to the next level, get you more reach and to help ensure you set yourself up for growth. 

This is why we even have women with 6-figure businesses coming back again and again to the Kickstart process!

Are you ready to experience the magic of Kickstart yourself?
No matter your starting point?

So you heard about landing pages and freebies and email lists and funnels and whatnot… But there are SO many options out there that you feel totally overwhelmed and clueless about where to start. You don’t want to waste your time and hard earned money on strategies that won’t work… But HOW can you know what will work for you and WHERE should you even start?

THREE common TRAPS That keep entrepreneurs stuck at the same level

There are so many strategies out there! You’re not stuck in overthinking, you’re trapped in overdoing instead. You don’t have a clear path, so you do EVERYTHING without one clear focused plan and you feel like you’re just throwing spaghetti at the wall. You feel exhausted, overworked and frustrated because even though you put in so much time and energy, you have very little to show for it at the end of the day.

Whether it’s online or offline, you’ve been in business for a while and you have clients. YAY! The only problem? If you're so busy with your clients that you never have time to create your course, launch your group program or do any of the things that will grow and scale your business. You're tired from working with so many clients all day every day…. But you have no clue how to break out of this cycle since you have no time to spare and if you take on less clients, your income shrinks.


Do any or all of these 
sound familiar to you?

The reason I know all these traps so well is because I was stuck in them myself many years ago. And I’ve helped thousands of clients overcome the exact same struggles through Kickstart.

The overthinking paralysis trap.

The classic time trap.

The throwing spaghetti at the
wall trap.



I wasted a lot of time on the wrong things. I did a couple of 6-8 week online courses on how to build an online business but that wasn’t enough for me. I needed more support and more accountability. And that’s exactly what I’m offering you in Kickstart.

After 8 years in business and 10 million in revenue I can assure you that I finally figured it all out, but it wasn’t until I invested in myself and promised myself that I would take myself and my business seriously. I didn’t want a side business, I wanted to have a real business making real money and have a real impact. 

Hi, I 'm Sigrun

When I started my own online business over 8 years ago, I was throwing spaghetti at the wall.

In the last 8 years I have worked with thousands of women helping them start and scale their online businesses. 

After being fully booked for a year and then selling out all my group coaching and mastermind programs for another 2 years, I knew it was time to create an online course that I could scale. I wanted to create the program that I wished had existed when I was starting and growing my own online business. A program that has everything you need to know about creating your course, building a list and making sales… And that actually gets you to take action!

Kickstart is exactly that. The program that practically guarantees your success, no matter if you want to create your first or your next online course.

That’s why we have so many Kickstart re-takers who do the program once, celebrate incredible wins and then continue to do it with us every single round.

They love that they can simply trust the process, never have to feel overwhelmed and achieve amazing success in just 10 weeks.

Do you want that too? Then joining Kickstart is a decision you’ll never regret.


Your first or next online course created from start to finish and ready to sell even if you’ve never created a course, you don’t even have an idea yet or you think you don’t have time to create your own course

The exact framework that has been proven to work almost like magic with over 1000 satisfied Kickstart participants that you will go through week by week to create your course and make sales

An email list filled with your ideal clients who are excited to buy (no matter if you’re starting your list at zero or already have thousands of people on it)

World-class testimonials of raving fans who have participated in your course that you can use to sell it with ease and without being sleazy or pushy

Clarity on your next offer including how much to sell it for and to who so that you never have crickets again and can be sure that your ideal clients are eagerly waiting to buy from you

A strong community of like-minded people who are on the same journey as you where you’ll find friends for life, accountability buddies, collaboration partners and incredible love and support

AND After just 10 weeks in KICKSTART, you’ll walk away with…

The success mindset you need to stop the overthinking and self sabotage and replace it with the confidence you need to sell your online course and grow your business with ease

Sales in your pocket so that you know how to repeat the sales process again and again and again to grow your business and your revenue


Kickstart helps you build a business that allows you to create a real impact and live the lifestyle of your dreams.

Whether you’re just starting out or you’re already further ahead in your online business, Kickstart is the launching pad that starts your journey towards 6 figures, then multiple 6 figures and finally your million dollar business.

But it’s not even about the numbers.

It’s about creating the freedom to live your life on your own terms.
To be a proud example for your children or future generations.
And simply having the strong business foundation that allows you to live the lifestyle you truly want.

Many of our clients like Hildur or Claudia who you will meet on this page joined Kickstart and just a few years later, they are living their biggest dreams, helping thousands of people and making an impact beyond what they ever thought possible.




Create a course your ideal clients actually want.. When you know how to do this, your clients will happily buy your offers from you.


Three core components of Kickstart that will fast track your online business success

Get the right people to come to you. Build your audience and get them on your email list.

Make sales... Follow our proven process of how to make sales with ease and zero pressure at the 

Maybe this all sounds great and exciting but now you’re wondering HOW Kickstart will actually help you achieve your goals.

Kickstart is designed to get you going and take the overwhelm out of building your online business.

And here’s how it works: We’ll focus on 3 core components that will immediately set you on your path and get you ready to sell at the end of the process:

Kickstart is
action-focused and results-oriented.

We start in January and then the Kickstart program runs for 10 weeks.

Week by week you will get clear tasks to complete - 100% overwhelm-free! You’ll be part of an amazing community of other women in business who are going through the same process with you.

Our coaches and mentors will be there with weekly coaching calls to support you, answer your questions and hold you accountable.

Part of the Kickstart success formula and reason for the 90% completion rate is that you DON’T know everything from the start. Which is why our hashtag is... 

#trust  the process

So I won’t tell you exactly what will happen in the program each week. Instead, I will invite you to trust the process right now, and simply experience the magic of Kickstart if you’re ready to get out of your own way and create the success you want!

Here's what you get

10 weeks of action-focused input released week by week to make sure you’re never overwhelmed and always on track

10 group coaching calls with Team Red coaches to answer your questions and help you follow through

Support and accountability from our international and mainly European community

Access to a global network of potential clients for your course where we will promote your course for you

Additional tech recommendations and
step-by-step implementation videos
to make sure technology is never holding you back

The loving kick in the butt you need to get out of your own way

Kickstart mentors who have gone through the process before you and are there to answer your questions and give additional feedback and support

The tested and proven step-by-step Kickstart process to fast track your online business without overwhelm that practically guarantees your success

Your own Kickstart buddy for extra accountability, feedback and support

Join Kickstart+ and get the Kickstart program plus 3 months of support in SOMBA membership once you’ve finished the Kickstart 10-week program.



It’s all the amazing benefits of the Kickstart program with 3 months extra support in SOMBA membership after the Kickstart program ends.

SOMBA Membership is the perfect support after Kickstart where you continue to build your online business with our masterclasses, breakout rooms, co-working sessions and hot seat calls. It’s everything you need and want to scale your online business.

Kickstart+ is for you if you want to join Kickstart but want to extend your support for 3 months extra after the program ends or you want to spread the cost of Kickstart. 


Once you've completed the Kickstart 10 week program you'll be invited into the membership for 3 months so that you can truly step up to the next level.

You can look forward to these SOMBA membership benefits:

  Access to 12 core modules
  Over 200 masterclasses
  Monthly new masterclasses


Monthly hot seat calls
Monthly breakout sessions
Monthly co-working calls


Claudia is a nutritionist and expert in traditional Chinese medicine. She ran her own cooking studio teaching her students about healthy eating, which she enjoyed but her expenses were sky high. After 9 years of sacrificing 90% of her income to overheads, and completely exhausted from work, Claudia knew she needed to make a change. 

So she sold her cooking studio and began working with Sigrun.

Over the next two years, Claudia got clear on her vision and came out of her comfort zone. She opened the doors to her own academy for integrative nutrition and sold out her signature program. 

“Sigrun helped me understand that with my expertise, I could change my audience from individuals to professionals and increase my prices in the process. Before, my highest priced product was €420. Now, I’m selling an 8-month program for €4800. I always dreamt of achieving this, but I didn’t know how, and I used to believe I couldn’t make it happen. Now, I know it’s possible, and that I can do more.”

C laudia says...

Between 2019 and 2020, Claudia went from €100K to €500K. Her goal for next launch is 200 students in her course, which would be a €1M launch. And she’s well on the way!

Claudia is such an inspiration to us all. 

She has created a multiple six figure business and moved into Momentum. Her business has allowed her to buy her dream house with a swimming pool and a wineyard, a new car for the family, and retired (divorced!) her husband.

Claudia went from struggling solopreneur, to a thriving business with 8 employees and a multiple six figure business in just 2 years

Dr C laudia Nichterl

Integrative Nutrition, Austria

Kickstart Success Story

When you pay in full there's 4 extra bonuses...

PRIVATE PODCAST version for learning on the go

Imagine all the video training you get in Kickstart in an exclusive podcast that you could listen to at any time! Well, that's exactly what this bonus is.

If you've been wanting to join Kickstart but life is a little busy right now, this bonus is going to make it really easy to learn at a time that suits you best in an audio form.

Yours free when you enrol

access to "searchie" to search inside the videos

Imagine you've done the training, and there's a golden nugget of strategy that you want to revisit later. Instead of having to sit through a whole video, our tool "Searchie" does it for you automatically.

Searchie enables you to type in a keyword and skip not just to the video, but right inside the actual second of the video where that keyword is used!

This bonus makes it really easy to revisit any part of the training and makes all our video training searchable.

3 months free access to somba membership

After you've finished your time in Kickstart, you're getting 3 months free in SOMBA membership! 

SOMBA Membership is the perfect support after Kickstart where you continue to build your online business with our masterclasses, breakout rooms, co-working sessions and hot seat calls. It’s everything you need and want to scale your online business.

Once you've completed your 10 weeks in Kickstart you'll receive a special invitation to join us in the membership.


With over half a million listens, Sigrun's podcast "The Sigrun Show" has become a vital audience building and nurture strategy. In fact, it's a huge part of the reason Sigrun hit the 7-figure mark!

So if a podcast is one of your goals, you'll love this bonus because it walks you through Sigrun's tried and tested, exact process step by step in a handy checklist.

This is the process Sigrun has refined from creating 463 podcasts to date and shows you everything from creating and editing, to promotion and sharing.





And everyone gets these incredible bonuses, whether you pay in full or choose Kickstart+

Headstart Preparation Course

You’ll get instant access to this mini preparation course that helps you hit the ground running and celebrate wins even before we officially begin KICKSTART.

In Headstart Sigrun will walk you through 5 short modules that contain small and easily achievable steps that any online business owner should take when getting started.

You’ll learn how to update and prepare your social media profiles. You’ll know which key platforms you should focus on to get the most traction (don’t worry, you don’t have to be on all of them). Plus you’ll get started with the first tools you’ll need to run a successful online business!

Headstart makes getting started simple and easy and is also included as a free Bonus for you.

find your course idea in less than 1 hour

If you don't know what course to create, you are full of ideas and can't choose one, or you're not even sure if people will like your idea - then you're going to love this bonus live workshop with Sigrun.

You're going to leave this live bonus workshop with a solid idea for your course, clarity on your next steps and the confidence that your dream clients will love it!

Sigrun will be sharing her own tried and tested process of how she creates irresistible courses that have people queuing up to buy from her!

bonus live workshop

Done-For-You Email Templates

Think it has to be hard and take hours (and hours!) to write your marketing emails? Not with our Done-For-You Templates!

Simply use these tested and proven email templates to write your own emails in no time… and without having to worry whether “they’re going to work or not”.

These easy-to-use templates have generated amazing results in Sigrun’s business, they’ve worked wonders for other entrepreneurs like you and they WILL do the same for you, without question.

You can save yourself hours of guesswork, writing, deleting and rewriting by using these proven Done-For-You Email Templates instead… to practically guarantee that your emails will be a great success!

tried & tested marketing emails


Winning more sales through social media starts with leveraging your social platforms and establishing relationships with potential clients. This bonus guide is full of Sigrun’s tried and tested strategies that you can swipe and implement in your own business

This bonus also includes a swipe file of our proven posts to make social selling feel effortless and natural. Let's skyrocket those sales!


Online Coaching Crash Course

This bonus coaching crash course will help you prepare for teaching what you know.

You'll discover the different types of coaching services you can offer and which is the right one for you - giving you confidence in both selling and delivering your offer.

Sigrun answers your questions on what coaching is, whether you need certification, how to coach and the key competencies of coaching.

This bonus is instant access and will give you the confidence boost you need to get started right away!


easy Tech Tutorials & LIVE SUPPORT CALLS

Never let technology hold you back or give you a headache with our simple tech tutorials and an extra helping hand on two live tech clinics with our coaches throughout the program.

Don’t consider yourself a techy person? Don’t worry! While technology is an important and essential part of online business, it doesn’t have to hold you back.

To make sure technology supports you instead of keeping you stuck, you’ll get our comprehensive video tutorials that accompany every module of Kickstart. They will walk you through each step of setting up the software we recommend you use to build and grow your online business. Simply follow along with the steps in the tutorials and you’ll know exactly what to do and how to handle all things tech throughout your KICKSTART journey



Get ready for your next steps after KICKSTART with this special strategy and coaching call. While making sales is not the focus of Kickstart, it’s an extremely important piece of your online business. That’s why we’ve added this special sales strategy and coaching call for you as a bonus.

On this call, Team Sigrun expert sales coach Jennifer will give advice and answer your personal questions on the most effective sales strategy, the best price point and more for your individual offer.

Whether you’re new to sales or already more experienced, on this special bonus call you’ll get invaluable insights and aha’s on how to best sell your products and services online.


Ingrid is a mom of 3 who went from having no email list and no money to doing a $39K launch, to making 6-figures in her first year and bringing in $400K in 2021.

When Ingrid signed up for Kickstart, she had no email list and no money.

She decided, against our recommendation of not going into debt, still to invest into the program. Over the span of 10 weeks she learned how to build her email list and immediately grew it to 500 subscribers. She learned how to sell online which she had never done before. 

She created her first online course in Kickstart and I could barely believe it when I heard she had sold 87 spots! Her course was only $100 but that’s $8700 in 10 weeks. She made her investment back three times!

Ingrid kept going and used what she learned in Kickstart to launch again - this time she made $30K! Her business reached 6 figures within a year and an incredible $400K in 2021, which completely changed Ingrid’s life and the lives of her husband and three young children.

“I had a $30K launch. I made so much money that I was able to cancel my 1:1s for the rest of the year. Putting an offer out there for this price was way out of my comfort zone, but Sigrun’s program helped me to be confident enough to take the step. 

What I like most about it all is that it’s so much fun. Sigrun provides a clear path and process that works and at the same time leaves enough room for me to experiment with my own ideas. She made me see that I don’t have to have so many different offers, but that I benefit much more from strategically choosing where to invest my energy in and offer the right thing.”

Ingrid says...


Ingrid Dach

Launch Copywriter, Czech Republic

Judith used to be a typical trade-my-hours-for-money copywriter. She worked as a freelancer for advertising agencies, earning between $5-6K a month. When she came out of maternity leave after having her third child, she didn't have much time to run after clients and didn’t want to keep trading time for money. 

That’s when Judith started to work with us and created her very first online course in Kickstart. 

She followed the steps and trusted the process and soon had her first paying clients signing up. And then Judith kept going!

“I made $27K in my first launch and $35K in my second launch, without counting the upsells. Then, I sold my new signature course with 80 participants. 50% of them were new clients and it was my first 6-figure launch.”

Judith says...

In 2021 Judith grew her revenue to an amazing $350K without working herself to the bone and whilst taking care of her 3 children.

Isn’t it amazing? If Judith can do it, you can do it, too!


Kickstart Success Story

Kickstart Success

Judith went from trading time for money to making $27, having a 6-figure launch and making $350K in 2021.

Judith Peters

Sympatexter, Germany

Kickstart Success Story

After years of suffering with chronic health issues, and with little to no help available, Hildur created her own path to recovery. And with her return to energy and vitality, people wanted to know how she did it!

With demand building, Hildur knew she wanted to create a course to share her recovery program with her audience. And Kickstart offered the perfect way for her to do this. Her first course was so well received, people immediately asked when the next one would be. 

After that, there was no stopping her!

“When I signed up to Kickstart, I knew something amazing would come out of it. I just felt it was something I had to do. And of course, it is the groundwork for everything I'm doing today and for the future. Now, between both businesses my husband and I are close to seven figures, starting from zero in 2018.”

Hildur says...

Thanks to the skills she learned with us, Hildur was able to help her husband take his business online when the pandemic hit. They now have the freedom to work from anywhere in the world, and have built their dream house.

And if this is possible for Hildur, it’s possible for you too!


Kickstart Success

Hildur went from concept to online course creator in a matter of weeks, going from zero to a nearly 7-figure business and building the life of her dreams.

Hildur Jonsdottir

Hildur's Health Mastery, Iceland

"1240 people signed up for my course, and 170 bought my upsell. I was so excited, it was an amazing experience. Now I know that I can really help people and the things I teach are valuable to them. As a result, I made $21K in 10 weeks."

"I can recommend Kickstart to anyone who has a business idea, because it helps women how to start and scale an online business and how to get your message out there."

#trust  the process

Lucie Samková. - EDUCATOR COACH

"5 people ended up buying my upsell, and I made $13’750. From discovery calls to sales, I had a 62% conversion. I was very pleased with my results. I followed Sigrun and I just trusted the process, getting me these results."

"If your goal is to create a scalable online business, Kickstart is the best investment you can make. It’s the complete user manual, the A-Z of what to do to create a scalable online course that you can sell and repeat over and over."


"I ended up selling 6 spots for my group coaching program. Adding up the numbers with the one-on-one clients, I made over €6k. But my year got even better. A few months later, I had a €25K launch!"

It turned out to be a very intense 10-week program, however I never felt overwhelmed. The information wasn’t just dumped on us, but provided step-by-step. It made me finally get out of my head and straight into doing-mode. Seeing the development I made in those weeks and the impact this journey had on my growth, I realized that now I’m really running my own online business. I have become an entrepreneur, and it feels good.. 

Maria Bonilha - Radiance strategist for freedom-loving online entrepreneurs,

More success stories

"I made the same amount of money that I made in an entire year in a high-end job during the 10 weeks of Kickstart. One week, I even made 14k."

"My biggest challenge was to trust in the process. I am the type of person who wants to know why and how the process works, but I learned to work and commit to something for a long time without getting paid, and to trust that I will be rewarded later on."

Veronika Matysova - AUTHOR & COACH

"I sold 24 spots for my course, in total I made $7300. I loved having a very clear process, something that you can just follow and rely on."

"I help other dog health practitioners and dog owners to get more knowledge about the health of dogs. I was given strong tools that I could apply to make everything a lot easier to launch my course. Being among so many other people who were going through a launch at the same time was powerful. I participated in their wins, their issues, and it gave me a lot of energy to be part of something bigger."

Anne Sasson - dog health practitioner

"I’m full of hope and I’m looking forward to continuing this journey."

"If you want your company to grow and you want to expand your mailing list, sign up for Kickstart. If you trust the process, something magical will happen and in the long run I believe your dreams will come true."

Asgerdur Gudmundsdottir - HEALTH COACH

"30 women bought my Sewing Dream Course. I also managed to successfully sell my upsell which was a scholarship scheme. In the end I had a $20,000 USD launch. By 2022 I want to double my revenue!"

"I was worried that I didn’t have the level of commitment it would take to become an online entrepreneur. Fortunately, the Kickstart process allowed me to prove to myself that I do have what it takes and that hard work pays off. The group and community really helped me in this area too. I had two buddies on the course and they gave me such great nuggets of knowledge and inspiration. They were so encouraging and they really believed in me. This no doubt helped me to achieve the 470 sign ups in the end."

Trine Lauridsen - helps creative women learn to sew beautiful clothes that fit the body and life!

We've got so many stories we can't fit them all on this page! Read more here



1 Payment of $2997

10 weeks in Kickstart with three months extra support in SOMBA membership afterwards.

1 PAYMENT OF $2997

6 payments of $597

Start today for just $597

Save $595 & get $1466 in extra bonuses

Free Pay In Full bonus - Private Podcast of the training, access to our video search tool "Searchie" and Sigrun's own podcast process!

10 group coaching calls with expert coaches to help you make more progress than ever before.

Step by step training and easy to follow tech tutorial videos to help you implement with ease.

Support and feedback from Kickstart mentors to get you unstuck and keep you moving forwards.

Kickstart buddy, at your stage of business, for extra accountability, support and feedback.

Follow our proven, step by step plan to create your course from scratch.

10 weeks of action-focused coaching, support, training and accountability.

Free Pay In Full bonus - 3 months free SOMBA membership once you've finished Kickstart.

PAY IN FULL BONUSES - 3 months free membership in SOMBA membership, podcast version of the training, Sigrun's podcast process & our handy video search tool (value - $1466)

Kickstart takes the guesswork and the overthinking out of online business

Whether you want to get online fast or fast track your existing online business, with the proven step-by-step process in Kickstart, you’ll create epic results in just 10 weeks. 

Most people struggle to finally get traction in their online business, they don’t know where to start, get overwhelmed and end up stuck. With the 10-Week Kickstart, you get to follow a proven process that has allowed thousands of entrepreneurs to fast track their online business - even if they felt lost in the online business world before.

Take the guesswork and overwhelm out of your online business, and get traction in just 10 weeks. You’ll be inspired, motivated and held accountable by an amazing group of other entrepreneurs… 

Plus you’ll have the support of mentors and Team Sigrun to keep you going and make sure you achieve your goals.

Allow you to make excuses that keep you small

Excuses don't stand a chance

Follow along at your own pace

Leverage the momentum of the group and create results in 10 weeks

87% completion rate

25% completion rate

Overwhelm you with lots of information


Focuses on teaching you strategies


What’s the difference between KICKSTART and other online programs?

Gives you bite-sized chunk of information week by week 

Focuses on implementing strategies

Only gives you the exact tasks you need to focus on

Massive accountability and leaves no one behind

Clear path forward and no room to second guess yourself

Give you the whole curriculum in advance and you get overwhelmed

Don't care whether you follow through or not

Confusing with lots of options for doubt to creep in


What’s the difference between 

and other online programs?

I  guarantee that KICKSTART is unlike any other online program you’ve ever done. To be honest… It’s so unique that it was quite hard for me and my team to capture the power of this program on this page. But let me give you an overview of how KICKSTART is different from other programs you might have experienced so far.

Yes, most of our students make sales at the end of the 10-week Kickstart process. Most of them, in fact, make back their investments many times over. You’ve seen that in the many success stories on this page!

Kickstart is about taking action. Building your email list - which is the most important element in online business success. Attracting your ideal client. Creating your course.
It’s about following through and showing up for yourself and your business.

Because once you do that, you will understand that the sky is the limit and you can achieve any dream you have.

And like I said… the sales at the end are a sweet bonus! 

Whether you end up making no money or $30K or anything in between - the point is that just by showing up and doing the work, you are already a winner. You are already miles ahead of your competition.

And you walk away with a tested and proven online course that you can now sell again and again and again.

Kickstart is not a course! It’s a coaching-led program to help you stop overthinking and fast track your online business success.



1 Payment of $2997

10 weeks in Kickstart with three months extra support in SOMBA membership afterwards.

1 PAYMENT OF $2997

6 payments of $597

Start today for just $597

Save $595 & get $1466 in extra bonuses

Free Pay In Full bonus - Private Podcast of the training, access to our video search tool "Searchie" and Sigrun's own podcast process!

10 group coaching calls with expert coaches to help you make more progress than ever before.

Step by step training and easy to follow tech tutorial videos to help you implement with ease.

Support and feedback from Kickstart mentors to get you unstuck and keep you moving forwards.

Kickstart buddy, at your stage of business, for extra accountability, support and feedback.

Follow our proven, step by step plan to create your course from scratch.

10 weeks of action-focused coaching, support, training and accountability.

Free Pay In Full bonus - 3 months free SOMBA membership once you've finished Kickstart.

PAY IN FULL BONUSES - 3 months free membership in SOMBA membership, podcast version of the training, Sigrun's podcast process & our handy video search tool (value - $1466)

I don't have an online business yet, is Kickstart for me?

Yes, Kickstart is designed for women in all stages of online business, also those who are just starting out and testing their idea. If you haven’t nailed down your idea before you join, it’s not a problem, we will help you get clear in the first weeks. All you need to know before you join is that you’re serious about growing a successful and profitable online business and taking action. We’ve got the rest covered.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much time per day do I need to devote to Kickstart?

KICKSTART is about building your business and creating our online course so it is 90% action and 10% inspiration and content. Ideally you devote about 1 hour a day to KICKSTART!

What if my business is offline. Can I join KICKSTART too?

Yes, absolutely! We’ve helped lots of people take their offline businesses online and the KICKSTART process will be perfect to fast-track your results!

Will I be making sales during KICKSTART?

It is very common that KICKSTART participants make sales during the final upsell part of the process. Many of them make their investment back many times, but KICKSTART is not a sales program. The sales are just a bonus, not the reason why you should join! If you are serious about growing your business, getting started and creating your first or next online course with momentum, then KICKSTART is perfect for you.

Do I need an email list to do KICKSTART?

No! Building an email list of ideal clients and excited buyers is one of the biggest benefits of doing KICKSTART. So it doesn’t matter whether you start at zero or you already have hundreds of people on your list.

Will I get personal support?

Through the coaching sessions, Q and A and the private Facebook group, you will get the help and support you need to start selling and marketing your offer, but there is no 1-1 coaching from Sigrun or Team Sigrun coaches.

What if English is not my native language?

SOMBA KICKSTART is in English but it is in easy understandable English for non-native English speakers.

When does the program start?

We begin on Monday, January 24th. You will receive an email in the morning with instructions on what you need to work on that week. We will support you in the Facebook group along the way.

How does the program work?

The coaching calls take place on Zoom (an online conferencing platform) and you’ll receive content and support through a private Facebook group. All the sessions are recorded so you can watch them later during the course of the program via our course platform.

Will the sessions be recorded?

Yes, there will be recordings available for you for the entire length of the program. And you will have access to all materials for 12 months from the time you join.

What if I have a product-based business?

This program is more suited for those who have a service-based business and can launch those offers.

Do I need to have 1:1 clients already before joining Kickstart?

No. I have developed the SOMBA Kickstart process so that you can do the shortcut to quicker scalable business.

I don't have an idea for my course, is it better to wait?

No, don't wait! This is a classic mistake people make - waiting for the perfect idea to come but this is the overthinking trap. We will help you find your course idea in under an hour with a special live bonus workshop with Sigrun.

Now it’s your turn:
Is it one day or day one? 

Most people never get started.
Most people spend their lives waiting for the perfect moment.
Waiting to feel ready.
Waiting to have all the information, all the steps perfectly planned out and all the answers in advance.

And that’s exactly why most people don’t have successful businesses and aren’t living their dreams.

I am known for being straight forward and telling it like it is… So here’s the truth for you:

The perfect time will never come. 
You’ll never be fully ready. 
And waiting for that “one day”?

It's an illusion that’s going to hold you back for years.

So instead of waiting for “one day” to come, I encourage you to make a bold decision right now and choose that...

TODAY is your day one.

Join us for Kickstart and DECIDE that now is your time. Choose to work with what you have and move forward instead of waiting for something to be perfect. Come on this 10-week journey together with an amazing group of other women (and a few men) like you and start taking action towards your dreams!

What is it going to be? One day, or day one?

One the fence?


If you’re not sure if the program is right for you, or if you have any questions about the program we haven’t answered here - the team are on hand to help.